Thursday, July 06, 2006

Perdue Can Kiss My A&&

The good news is that I have a nice tan from my time in South Beach. The bad news is that I must return to Atlanta tomorrow and resume "normal" life. I'm sad for it to be over, but it's been a great vacation.

The real world has intruded itself in my email. I saw that Georgia and New York gave LGBT equality a one-two punch today. Georgia Supremes voted unanimously that the legislature meant to deny marriage AND all its benefits to gay people, so the marriage amendment was legal and reinstated, despite the fact the question on the ballot only asked about defining marriage. Once again, the South leads the way in discrimination and hatred against a particular minority group. Governor Perdue stated that he hoped that gay Georgians didn't feel "marginalized" by the decision. "I don't think it demeans gay Georgians in any other way," he said. "They're free to work and live their lives; they're just not free to marry in Georgia."

Governor Perdue can KISS MY ASS. And we're not "free to work" without fear of being fired, as it's legal in Georgia to fire someone just because you think they're gay and you "don't like fags." That man is full of shit, and his "statement" is rubbing salt in a wound. Doesn't DEMEAN gay Georgians? I look like I'm severely retarded and would believe such a lie?

The only good thing is that it takes the issue off the table for this year's election. But the damage is done as far as Cathy Cox is concerned. She has cut her own throat with gays for nothing. If she had kept her damn mouth shut about the legislature being recalled if the Georgia Supremes had not acted as they did today, she would still have gay support. As it is, none of us will vote for her.

New York's top court also said that it was quite LOGICAL to actively discriminate against gays. They took the amici briefs of the religious right and basically cut and paste the arguments. It's very disheartening to read the defence of gay bigotry as the law of NY state. The only hope is to get the legislature to change the law. Yeah, let me hold my breath while THAT happens.

I wonder if blacks felt this way in the 40s, 50s, and 60s when civil rights became really heated for them. Did they think that they'd NEVER win their rights to be treated as equal? The constant fighting for my rights to be treated as I would if I were straight is tiring. I hope it will be won in my lifetime, but I hope I'm not too old to enjoy it when it does.

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